Getting the money may not be that easy, particularly when you don’t have collateral to pledge to them. Conventional loans demand collateral, for example, in the form of equipment or real estate, for a guarantee that the loan would be repaid. Fortunately, there are unsecured business loans, and here we will teach you the benefits, application process, and documentation requirements for such.
What are business loans?
A business loan is an agreement between a lender and a business where a certain sum of money is provided to the business with the promise that it would be paid back over a given time period along with interest. The conditions under which the loan is given, such as the interest rates and payback plans, are determined based on your credit history, financial situation, and the purpose of the loan.
What is a collateral free business loan?
A non-collateral business loan is one where the borrower does not have to offer any asset such as real estate or machinery as collateral. For determining the eligibility, the lender usually examines the creditworthiness of the borrower, success in business, and the capability of repaying the loan. This loan option is ideal for small businesses and entrepreneurs because it offers them the freedom to finance their business without losing their valuable assets.
Why choose a collateral free business loan?
Collateral-free loans are generally very helpful for businesses, especially small and medium-sized businesses.
Who can apply for business loans without collateral?
Requirements which qualify you to be eligible for an unsecured business loan.
- Business history: You must be at least five years old with the business in which you have been transacting.
- Innovative products: The firm should offer innovative products or product ideas.
- Government approval: The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion’s (DIPP) certification is necessary.
- Clean financial record: Candidates must have never defaulted on a loan from a financial institution before.
What documents are needed?
The application you need to apply is the following:
- Identity proof: Complete application form with photographs of the passport size.
- KYC documents: These are utility bills, voter ID, Aadhaar cards, or PAN cards.
- Business proof: The paper of the company registration.
How to apply for business loans without collateral?
Step 1: Go to the official website of your respective bank or financial institution.
Step 2: Use your OTP and mobile number to register or log in.
Step 3: Proceed to the ‘Business Loan’ area and select ‘Apply Now.’
Step 4: Complete the necessary fields on the application form, and submit the required documents.
Step 5: The bank will review and verify your details and documents.
Step 6: If approved, the amount will be dispersed in your respective bank.
Unsecured business loans would be a really good tool for business owners that do not possess much in assets. However, they do involve some risks. To compensate for the lack of collateral, the lenders often inflict stricter qualifying limitations and higher rates of interest.
In conclusion, some loans require personal guarantee, in which case you may be personally liable if your company fails to repay the loan. Prior to an application, there is a significant need to determine one’s capacity to meet loan repayment obligations as well as an in-depth understanding of the conditions of the loan.
(Note: Raising a loan comes with its own risks. So, due caution is advised)