A blocked credit card may interrupt your shopping experience. There might be several reasons why a bank may block your credit card. Banks typically block a credit due to safety concerns or non-payment of dues.
India’s biggest private sector, HDFC Bank, offers credit cards in various categories, such as travel and rewards. The various credit card options offered by HDFC Bank are Moneyback, Millennia, Infinia, and Diners Club Black.
Reasons why HDFC credit card may get blocked
Before delving into the steps to unblock HDFC credit cards, it’s crucial to understand why your card might be blocked. Common reasons include:
How to unblock your HDFC credit card?
1. Through customer care
It is one of the easiest ways to unblock your HDFC credit card.
-You will be required to call the HDFC Bank customer care number on the toll-free number.
– The customer care executive will provide instructions on how to verify your identity. This will require you to provide details such as credit card number, mobile number, and other personal information.
– Additionally, ask the customer care representative to unblock your HDFC credit card.
– The representative will provide you with the steps to unblock your credit card.
2. Visit the HDFC Bank branch
Visiting the HDFC Bank branch will be helpful for those who find instructions through customer care unclear and direct interaction with the representative. Visit the nearest HDFC Bank branch to get your credit card unblocked.
In conclusion, a blocked credit card may be an unfortunate experience for credit card holders. However, most banks have made the process of unblocking a credit card easier. Additionally, cardholders must maintain good credit practices, such as paying bills on time and monitoring account activity to reduce the likelihood of encountering a blocked card in the future.
(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)